The EdTech Triangle
The first and only research-based model of healthy classroom tech use.
What does The EdTech Triangle do?
It helps teachers and admins embrace best practices with technology in the classroom by condensing EdTech research into a simple picture model. Think food pyramid, but for EdTech.
What’s The EdTech Triangle based on?
Research. Lots of research; not developer or corporate research, but peer-reviewed scholarly research about screens, learning, student achievement, and student well-being.
Is it free? Why did we create it?
Yes, it’s an open-source model any educator can use or adopt. We created it to help educators embrace effective EdTech practices easily and with confidence.
What's the bonus?
Educators don’t have to read piles of dense research, admins can communicate their EdTech vision to teachers easily, and parents can feel comforted knowing their school embraces best practices with tech in the classroom.
Four Categories
Each category in The EdTech Triangle is research-driven and easy for educators to understand and follow. Apps, tools, and lesson plans can easily be filtered through the four categories below.
Produces a unique outcome or develops a high-level skill. Robotics, coding, computational thinking, computer animation, website design, graphic design, advanced photo, video, or music editing, digital marketing, spreadsheet creation, digital citizenship, any tech that helps students with special needs.
Supports learning in helpful ways. Digital images or articles not available in print, audiobooks, podcasts, supplementary videos, keyboarding, intentional use of sharing platforms used to update parents on student work, use of video conferencing or collaborative apps and platforms when the learning outcome is not easily replicated with a traditional or face-to-face method.
Restricts learning outcomes. E-texts in place of print, prioritizing typing over handwriting (except in final work), using software or applications that have already been mastered by the student (such as taking pictures with a tablet), points-based learning games, overcomplicated tech use by teachers, screen-based tech whose learning outcomes are easily replicated with a traditional or face-to-face method.
Disrupts learning and/or breeds habitual use. Any platform that exposes students to age-inappropriate content or bullying, unrestricted access to cell phones during school hours, tech for tech’s sake, needless screen-based homework assignments, using screen time as a reward, for behavior management, or as a choice during free time, too much screen time.*

“This elegant graphic representation should be on the walls of every classroom supporting teachers, informing parents, and instructing students about effective screen use and also critical healthy limits.”
— Jean Rogers, M.S.Ed.
The EdTech Triangle is a perfect classroom poster.
Remember, the Triangle is open-source and ready to be adopted in your classroom or across an entire district. Download a PDF file here and print your own (best printed at 18x24 through a platform such as VistaPrint or UPrinting.
If you’d like more information on using The EdTech Triangle in your classroom, school, or as the cornerstone of a District Technology Plan, check out our 26-page guide to using it, Triangulate.
What People Are Saying About The EdTech Triangle
“The EdTech Triangle is the answer to so many questions. Finally, schools and parents have a clear, research-based tool that allows them to quickly and easily evaluate the way they use technology in the classroom. The EdTech Triangle should be utilized as a nationally-adopted, universal framework…”
— Emily Cherkin, M.A. Curriculum & Instruction
“The EdTech Triangle finally provides a research-based, flexible, tech-positive framework that any school can implement, giving them guardrails for what they should be teaching. It’s a no-brainer for any school that wants to seriously prepare its kids to use technology responsibly.”
— Chris McKenna, Protect Young Eyes
“The EdTech Triangle is a simple, research-based tool to assess the use of technology in schools. It gives teachers, school admins, and parents a common language to evaluate technology and promote transformative technology while minimizing or eliminating distracting and restrictive technology.”
— Dr. Meghan Owenz
“Our children's' education must be shaped by moderation and intention when it comes to technology. Everyschool helps schools make this a reality with The EdTech Triangle.”
— Brooke Shannon, WaitUntil8th.org