Master Apple Screen Time: 3 Steps

Please note that this resource was created in January of 2023 using iOS 16.2. Later versions may have slight (or more substantial) differences.

Parents really should be amazed by Apple’s Screen Time platform. It can fairly reliably block unwanted content and help manage and monitor kids’ screen time (or your own). And, it’s already integrated into all Apple devices.

But. Oh, but. It’s confusing and clunky to operate, so much so that many parents don’t even take the time to enable it at all. And, although a robust relationship is the best resource for helping your child navigate digital media—along with a healthy lifestyle that includes allowing your child enough physical activity, social interactions, time for chores, and independent time—parental monitoring platforms really are an important layer in a successful digital wellness approach at home.

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Step One: Establish Family Sharing

On Your Device, Click: Settings, Your Apple ID, Family Sharing, Add Member Icon, Invite People to Your Family and/or Create a Child Account

Tips: Use an accurate birthday when creating your child's account. Follow the prompts and toggle "Ask to Buy" on so that all app purchases have to go through you, and then click “Done!”

Step Two: Turn on Screen Time

On Your Device, Click: Settings, Your Apple ID, Family Sharing, Child's Name, Screen Time, Turn on Screen Time (at the bottom), Follow Prompts

Tips: To disable Screen Time for your child at any time, follow the steps above and replace the last step with "Turn Off Screen Time." Please note that when Screen Time is re-enabled, some of the previously chosen features may be lost. This is a glitch within the platform, so disable Screen Time with caution and review all features when re-enabling it.

Step Three: Start Making Choices

We recommend these five features first above all others:

1. Block Adult Web Content

On Your Device, Click: Settings, Family, Child's Name, Screen Time, toggle on Content and Privacy Restrictions, Content Restrictions, Web Content, check Limit Adult Websites

2. Require Approval for Purchases and Downloads

On Your Device, Click: Settings, Family, Child's Name, Ask to Buy, toggle on Require Purchase Approval

3. Remove Unwanted Apps

On Your Device, Click: Settings, Family, Child's Name, Screen Time, Content and Privacy Restrictions, Allowed Apps, toggle off (any apps you choose)

4. Set Time Limits

On Your Device, Click: Settings, Family, Child's Name, Screen Time, App Limits, toggle on App Limits, Add Limit (multiple limits allowed)

5. Set Downtime

On Your Device, Click: Settings, Family, Child's Name, Screen Time, Downtime, toggle on Scheduled (and choose your schedule), toggle on Block at Downtime (to lock your child's device at Downtime)

Other Tips:

Protect your child's sleep habits by keeping devices out of the bedroom at nighttime, and consider establishing phone-free family time during meals.

If you'd like more help monitoring your child's device, including their text messages, consider adding an application like Bark.


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