5 Reasons (and 2 Myths) for Phone-Free Schools

Here at Everyschool.org, we believe in the research behind phone-free schools. We’ve also created something called the Phone-Free Schools Project, which gathers enthusiasm for phone-free schools in a concrete, actionable way. You can tally your “yes” about phone-free schools in your school or District here.

Why should schools go phone-free? Here are 5 reasons and 2 myths:

Reason #1: Less Bullying

Schools with effective phone-free policies report less bullying and fewer behavioral incidents (meaning happier students and less work for teachers).

Reason #2: Less Distraction

Removing phones in schools is a simple way to dial in better student focus and participation.

Reason #3: Better Academic Outcomes

Removing phones from schools has been shown to increase test scores significantly.

Reason #4: More Connection

Kids need connection and the space to develop social skills, empathy, and relationships. Without phones in schools, the space for these developmental imperatives grows exponentially.

Reason #5: Happier School Communities

Schools with phone-free policies report being happier and calmer. Hear what one Principal reports on his recent phone-free rollout here.

Myth #1: “Parents won’t like this.”

Wrong—as much as 82% of parents would prefer a phone-free school environment for their kids.

Myth #2: “In the case of an active shooter event, students need their phones.”

Cell phones in the hands of responsible educators may help during an active shooter event; however, school security experts agree that students with cell phones in these same events can actually make schools less safe.


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